As we start growing older, it becomes pretty clear that the only constant in life is change.

Welcome To Natural Transitions1Many of us can relate to those moments when it feels like we’re finally getting our footing in life – that is until a sudden series of curveballs hit.

Your dream college declines your application, your partner loses their job, someone you’re close to unexpectedly passes away, you’re given a diagnosis of infertility – or something we can all relate to, a global pandemic emerges requiring massive adjustment.

As this is happening, you might be thinking, “WTF. I made plans here. And THIS doesn’t fit.”

At face value, we can easily chalk these experiences up to being “just a part of life”. While that’s true, it’s frankly invalidating.

Yes, transitions are inescapable. They’re a part of the human condition. But simply telling ourselves that doesn’t automatically alleviate the pain, fear, grief, or confusion. Especially when we’re in the thick of it.

Why Natural Transitions exists

Natural Transitions is a space to talk about transitions in a real way. The hope is to normalize the inner emotional turbulence we all experience when we’re in the midst of a shift.

Even when you’re going through what society deems as “normal” growing pains, such as navigating your first job, juggling career and parenthood, watching your youngest child leave the “nest” – it’s natural to have an emotional response. It’s normal to feel some degree of loss, fear, or confusion. And trust me, you’re not “crazy” if you’re finding it hard to cope. Things are in motion, and so are you.

It’s real. But by naming it and giving ourselves permission to feel, we’re more likely to take action and learn how to skillfully cope with our inner experience.

This is where growth happens

This blog will speak to the transitions that occur in all facets of life – relationships, career, family, health, finance, and so on. You’ll learn tangible tools that will help you move through whatever transitional shift you find yourself in.

I’m a big believer that personal growth happens when we’re stretched – when we’re called to adapt, adjust, and sometimes, flat out struggle. Now, I’m fully aware that the whole “growth” thing may sound totally cliche. But when you’re on the other side looking back, I guarantee that you’ve strengthened a muscle you probably didn’t even know you had.

Transitions are a natural part of life, and they’re exactly where growth happens.