Navigating Life with Anxiety

1492614215The worry and fear are ALWAYS getting the best of you.

The littlest things throw your mind into a tailspin:

Your train is late.

Your friend cancels plans to hang out with you.

Your boyfriend takes longer to respond to your text.

Suddenly, you feel panicked.

I’m going to get fired.

She doesn’t like me.

He’s going to leave me.

On top of all these racing thoughts, your stomach is in knots, your head hurts, and your heart is pounding.

People around you just don’t GET IT.

You’ve learned to exist in the world and your relationships without exposing the extent of your fear and worry.

The hiding, avoiding, masking… it’s taking a significant toll on you.

And so is the isolation.

You’ll do anything not to FEEL.

You stay up late watching TikTok or YouTube videos, one after the other, and before you know it, it’s 3:00 AM.

You turn to food during the day and reach for that drink after work to “take the edge off.”

You avoid calls and text messages from friends and instead sleep the day away.

1305068761It’s time to quiet the noise and find your center.

Anxiety has a purpose… as does your fear. And when you start to become present with your emotions and get curious, you’ll begin to understand what it is at your core that feels threatened.

We’ll work together to help you slow down – in your mind and body – so that you can develop an awareness of what’s happening inside when your emotions take over.

You will learn to become curious about your inner world rather than condemning your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Along with developing self-awareness and curiosity, you will learn tools to help you dial down the intensity of your emotions.

You’ll feel more attuned to your feelings and capable of nurturing yourself through your anxiety.

Anxiety has a way of shrinking your world.

Don’t let it make yours any smaller.

Relief is possible.

Call today for a free consultation! (347) 624-2562