Finding Purpose & Self-Exploration

1756372493You always thought you’d feel “happy” and “complete”…

… once you FINALLY:

Got accepted into a top college…

Earned a lot of money…

Found the perfect partner…

Lost the extra weight…

Yet each time you “arrive” at the doorstep of another achievement or aspiration, you find yourself still feeling empty.

It’s like there’s a hole inside you that’s never filled.

You wonder whether YOU are the problem or if something in your life needs to change.

But the only changes you know how to make are external:

You convince yourself to move to a new home.

You fantasize about being single or entering a new relationship.

You spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need.

You recognize the pattern: No matter what you change on the outside, the joy, fulfillment, and serenity are only fleeting – if felt at all.

The emptiness persists. The dread and anxiety remain.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

–Jon Kabat-Zinn

1007522299It’s time to shift from looking externally to looking INTERNALLY.

You’ve tried desperately to find a way to fill that hole inside you. Yet here you are, still feeling empty, isolated, and stuck.

While changing certain external factors (such as switching jobs or ending a toxic relationship) can improve your well-being, it’s not often the whole picture.

You must also turn inward to understand yourself.

Self-exploration can reveal your truth and purpose.

We can only discover the answers to some of our most anxiety-provoking questions by going inward.

Therapy provides a safe environment and a guide for this exploration.

Therapy and other practices can help you understand your inner conflicts.

As you go deeper, you’ll uncover your fears and core beliefs – about yourself and the world around you.

It’s time to discover (or rediscover) your potential!

Let’s work together to invite greater meaning and purpose into your life.

Take your first step toward healing.

Reach out today for a free consultation: (347) 624-2562.